Wedding Trends That are Disappearing
Some wedding trends are timeless, and some are slowly starting to disappear. Things like stunning florals, luxurious linens, a fun wedding band, and an open bar will never go out of style but here is a list of some wedding trends we have noticed are disappearing this year.
Bouquet and Garter Toss
This old tradition is slowly on its way out. Couples rarely decide to clear the dance floor for the bouquet toss, and the garter toss has been almost completely forgotten. While some are opting to replace these staples with another event or a fun game on the floor, others are simply letting the dance party continue until the very end of the night.
Having Only Physical Items on the Registry
We are used to seeing kitchen essentials and home decor on the wedding registries. However, nowadays, so many couples already have a lot of the necessary items to start a home, and more often they are choosing to add a honeymoon fund, donations for an important cause/hospital/charity, or simply request a check that could go towards a down payment for a house or home improvement (that works very well for destination weddings!) instead of having just physical items on their registry. Having options helps the guests make their gift decisions based on the couple’s preferences.
Muted and Neutral Colors
We are seeing lots of bright pops of color this season. The earthy and neutral tones over the past couple of years are coming to an end. We are now seeing lots of bright reds, mauves, oranges, and yellows in the wedding color palettes, and we are here for it!
Wedding Favors
Many couples are using their wedding favors budget to add extra fun to the wedding reception instead. We have seen over the years that many of the favors get left behind or end up being thrown out. It is a brilliant idea to use that money towards a specialty drink, appetizers, photo booth, tenting, draping, lights, or extra florals instead.
Micro Weddings
Due to the past couple of years, many couples have had to plan a lot smaller weddings. Now that many of the venues have minimal to no health restrictions, couples are eager to celebrate with loved ones, expanding their guest list much larger.
Do you think these wedding trends should stay or be gone forever? What are your thoughts, let us know in the comments below. What is the trend you think will disappear next year?