5 Reasons I Love Black And White Wedding Photography


After every wedding celebration, I get so excited to see my clients’ galleries and lately I noticed myself admiring all the black and white photos. Here are 5 reasons why I am so in love with them.

1. Focus on real emotions

Whether it’s the groom waiting to see his soon-to-be wife right before their first look, or the bride opening a gift from her loved ones, the focus in the black and white photography is on the real emotions and with not having any color distractions you can truly see the nerves, relief, pure happiness and other beautiful emotions in people’s faces. I love that so much!

Photography by Perry Vaile

2. Focus on simplicity

I observed color photography makes it really easy to notice photographer’s editing style whereas black and white photos focus on simple yet stunning details that don’t require fancy presets, light and airy or moody edits, only the talent of the photographer to story-tell through the pictures.

Photography by Alex Thornton

3. Focus on the light

I love looking at black and white pictures taken during golden hour, or just before the sunset. The way light hits the dress of the bride, couples faces or simply the area surrounding them, makes it so magical and even more special. Who told you sunset pictures need to be in color? I couldn’t disagree more!

Photography by Oshiros

4. Focus on timeless images

Wedding photography trends change almost every year but having a few black and white pictures that you could share with your grandparents and have them remember their own wedding celebrations 50 or 60 years ago, makes those pictures much more timeless and classic than the colored ones.

Photography by Faith Teasley

5. Focus on fine art

A fine art photography must deeply convey the feelings and artistic vision of the photographer and in my opinion, black and white photographs do exactly that. They make a statement, create a cohesive body of work and express either an idea, a message, or an emotion. That’s why I love it so much and hope if you weren't sure if you like them, I changed your mind! :)

Photography by Christi Clark